
Saints Play: Watch us take on Sunderland


Fans outside of the UK and Ireland, watch us play Sunderland live on Saints Play tomorrow (Saturday 9th March, 3pm). You can also listen to the action with coverage available to all fans across the world.

Live Video

Fans outside of the UK and Ireland can watch the action with a Saints Play Seasonal Video Pass or match-by-match pass as we take on Sunderland.

Video coverage isn't available to fans in the UK and Ireland for this match because of the 3pm blackout.

If you have any questions about Saints Play, have a read of the FAQs here.

Get a Video Pass

Live Audio

You can listen to the action from anywhere in the world with a Saints Play Audio Pass - we have monthly and Seasonal Audio Passes available.

The audio for this match will already be available to you if you have an active Monthly Audio Pass or a Seasonal Audio Pass - head directly to the Match Centre and access the live audio.

Get an Audio Pass

How to watch or listen to the game

To watch or listen to the broadcast of a game after buying your pass, head to our Men's Team fixtures page and then click the Match Centre button on the relevant fixture.

Links to each game's Match Centre can be found on the fixtures page and will also be published on the homepage of our website on each matchday.

Live audio commentary and video broadcasts can be accessed on desktop, tablet and mobile devices on our website, with up-to-date browsers.

Get a reminder before kick off

Download our fixtures to your e-calendar to receive a reminder 15 minutes before kick off.

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Kick-off times internationally

  • Central Time – 9am (9th of March)

  • Central European Time – 4pm (9th of March)

  • Eastern Daylight Time – 10am (9th of March)

  • Australian Eastern Standard Time – 1am (10th of March)

For more information on Saints Play, find the FAQs at the bottom of this page, or on the Saints Play homepage.