
#PLMoreThanAGame Community Showcase

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The Premier League is home to the best players, coaches, clubs, facilities, and fans but the game is just the start. The Premier League supports communities and improves lives through football.

Saints Foundation is supported by the Premier League to run Premier League Primary Stars, Premier League Inspires, and Premier League Kicks which are helping 2,985 young people in Southampton.

Evan – Premier League Inspires

Before moving to Compass School and engaging with Premier League Inspires, Evan was having difficulties with the day to day of mainstream school.

By the end of last season, and with the support of our PL Inspires Project Officers, he was presenting his teams competition winning mental health campaign at Wembley Stadium: “This has showed me what I can achieve.”

Jenna – Premier League Primary Stars

A teacher of 10 years, Jenna felt confident at building relationships in the classroom, but always had a barrier up when it came to delivering PE.

With the help of our Premier League Primary Stars project officers, despite how she was made to feel since she was young, she is now able to confidently run PE sessions for her pupils. The progress Jenna has made with PL Primary Stars has been noticed across the school, and will open the door for more of her colleagues go on the same journey she has.

Fozzy – Premier League Kicks

First engaging with Saints Foundation at 14 at a Premier League Kicks session, Fozzy now works full time at the Foundation after an 8-year journey.

“Premier League Kicks gave us something to do every Friday night, stay out of trouble. We could talk to the coaches about how our weeks were, and if anything was happening that I needed a positive role model to speak to, it was an easy way to open those conversations.”

Starting as a participant, Fozzy started volunteering at Kicks sessions before joining as a casual, then an apprentice, and earlier this year earned a full time job.

Premier League Inspires, Premier League Primary Stars, and Premier League Kicks are funded by the Premier League Charitable Fund.