
Livramento edges closer to return

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Almost exactly a year since suffering an anterior cruciate ligament injury, Tino Livramento will play for Southampton's B team on Friday night as he steps up the latter stages of the recovery process.

The 20-year-old suffered the ACL injury in the 2-2 draw at Brighton in the Premier League last April, suffering a setback in January that delayed his return. 

Having resumed first team training in recent weeks, Livramento will play for the B team against Stoke at Staplewood Campus on Friday night, manager Rubén Sellés confirmed.

"Tino Livramento is playing today for the B team as part of his rehab and hopefully, all going well, he will then be with us."

Whilst the full-back remains unavailable for Saturday's Premier League clash with Crystal Palace, the boss also provided an update on the availability of the rest of his squad.

"Ché Adams is not coming back [this weekend] unfortunately. Salisu neither is coming back and Juan Larios still has a long-term injury. Mislav Oršić had a hip problem during the week and is not going to be available.

Elaborating on Mohammed Salisu's absence, Sellés said: "He had some problems in some of the games for us, for example at Chelsea, and then he went with the national team and felt it again.

"When he came back we needed to put him into the injury process and he was expected also today to play for the B team to get the injury problem resolved if it was good, but he didn’t feel great so is not available either.

"It’s related to his hip abductor. He had problems before during the season and it just got worse so they are trying to treat that."