
Inspires challenge winners create a wellbeing garden


The group has also been speaking to academy scholars about the importance of keeping your mental health in check.

Young people from local secondary schools took part in the Premier League Inspires challenge back in March, working in teams to create social action projects that support mental health.

The winning entry came from a group of Year 9 pupils from Oasis Academy Lord’s Hill. They pitched the creation of a wellbeing garden at their school, a space where pupils can escape to if they feel overwhelmed in the classroom.

The pupils have now broken ground on the new garden, and also had the opportunity to speak with two of the academy scholars, Will Tizzard and Sam Bailey, about the importance of looking after your mental health.

When asked about their mental health, the scholars spoke openly about how the pandemic has left them feeling isolated at points. “This year’s been one of the toughest, if not the toughest, for a lot of reasons. Probably the main one being not going home and having that kind of break from football, I think that can be quite tough.”

Sam and Will praised the idea of the wellbeing garden as a space to escape to if you're feeling overwhelmed. “I think if I was ever struggling or stressed out, I would definitely look to go somewhere I could relax.” They also had some recommendations of their own for additions to the wellbeing garden, including a pack of Uno cards and even an Xbox!

Saints Foundation and Southampton Football Club are committed to supporting the mental health of our fans and our community. Earlier this week, the club launched Saints By Your Side, a partnership with Solent NHS Trust, to help get fans talking about their mental health and wellbeing. Find out more about it by clicking the link below.