
Hasenhüttl hails milestone-man Ward-Prowse


With James Ward-Prowse poised to make his 200th league start for Southampton at Liverpool on Saturday, manager Ralph Hasenhüttl has hailed his captain.

The 27-year-old, who has 279 total Premier League appearances to his name, will reach a double century of starts when he leads the team out at Anfield this weekend.

Reflecting on his relationship with the England international, Hasenhüttl said:

“Congrats! In this age, to have 200 is quite massive, I must say.

“We have built up a relationship. In the beginning, it took a little while until he was part of the first 11. The things I demanded from him, I spoke about very clearly and he showed relatively quickly what we expect and demand from him.

“The rest of the story you know. The progress he has made in the last three years since I’m here and finally, he’s not at the end of his development.

“What I like about this player is that when you show him something, or criticise something, he immediately is able to switch it and improve this part.

“This is a very good behaviour for a player. He’s always open minded and willing to learn and this is never a disadvantage when you have this character.”