Cutting queue times at St Mary's
Following fan feedback that ordering food and drinks at half time can be a struggle due to congestion on the concourse, we were determined to cut queue times.
By opening the turnstile gates at half time for fans in the Kingsland Stand, all supporters can now exit via the Gasworks Bar & Kitchen - or gates 8 and 9 - during the interval and return to their seats for the second half.
A successful trial during the recent home fixture against Leicester saw congestion cut dramatically and also allowed fans to make the most of the additional bars and kiosks outside of the stadium.
Following this success, we are delighted to announce that we will now be looking to continuing this on a more permanent basis – starting with Saints vs Brentford on Wednesday 15th March (7.30pm).
But it wouldn't have happened without feedback from fans like you. Keep an eye out in your inbox for our matchday experience surveys to share your opinion on this initiative, as well as any other elements of your matchday at St Mary’s.