COVID-19 Delivery Guidance 2021
As restrictions ease across England, our face-to-face delivery is returning with vigorous safety procedures in place.
Every player and staff member, from arriving to leaving the site, can play their part in making sure that our sessions are as safe as possible. They may look and feel different, but our coaches’ commitment to our players’ potential remains the same.
Anyone who is showing coronavirus symptoms should stay at home. This will avoid spreading the infection to players, staff and the public. If you need to do this, rest assured you will be able to receive a refund.
Social distancing will be in place throughout your time at our sessions from arrival on site all the way through to departure. This will be for parents and guardians too, with changes to arrival and collection. We’ll be asking everyone to maintain a safe distance of two metres, particularly at the peak arrival and departure times.
All of our sessions will be adhering to the relevant government COVID-19 guidelines, which will include both the FA guidelines and the Holiday Course & Extra Curricular guidelines, depending on which session your player is attending. If you would like to find out more about our policies and guidelines, then please do get in touch.
Everyone can do their part too – players will be asked to keep two metres apart when lining up, collecting equipment or moving around the pitch. Don’t worry, our coaches have been training themselves to ensure they can still keep all the fun, whilst ensuring distancing is practiced.
Hand hygiene continues to be vital for everyone. Whenever possible, please wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. Also, make sure you use hand sanitiser frequently, making sure that the risk of infection is lowered. We’ll be providing hand sanitising stations at each venue to help with this, but we’d encourage players to bring their own too. And, as ever, avoid contact with your face during your session, as this will also reduce the chances of infection.
We are delighted to be back on the football pitch, even in these difficult circumstances. Safety may be our number one priority but making sure our players still have a worthwhile experience with us where we allow them to develop talents remains our goal.
In the week prior to the activity start date, you will receive venue specific information which will set out arrival and departure information including entry and exit points, time slots, registration zones, and lead staff. Please check your emails and contact us if you haven’t received these at least two days beforehand.
Below you will find more advice and guidance on how our sessions will run: